Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

13 Year Old Girl Gang Raped

I have never come across such a story dating before 1960 - and now it is commonplace.

KTLA Story here.

Unless we correct the moral compass of our Countrymen that permit this sort of behavior - from the moral relativists to the parents who do not teach their children properly, to the apologetic fools in the Nanny/Coddle segments of society, it is pointless to fight for Liberty.

A society that breeds this sort of behavior will never hold true Liberty.


1 comment:

  1. A society that claims to be a just one would put these types of animals up against the wall immediately upon determination of guilt.

    I have three daughters. I volunteer to pull the trigger on all perpetrators at zero cost to the taxpayer.

    Charlie Daniels' "Simple Man" has it right.



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