Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Government is not Evil, but Men can be

My paternal grandfather had a career in the Navy Surface Warfare Lab.

When he was dying in the late 70's, we had a hospital bed in the living room so he could be comfortable.  He had some serious drugs pumping through his body for more than a year as he withered away.

60 minutes came on and discussed light bulbs and how the Government dropped bacteria into the NYC Subway to test effects.  To our surprise, my Grandfather was able to tell us the story before we heard the words coming from the magic moving picture box.  He had first-hand knowledge about this Op.  He had first-hand knowledge about quite a bit, it turns out.  We never learned my Grandfathers exact place in the system relative to these events, but he obviously had a first or second row seat.

The point: There are Countrymen who will do evil things while wrapped in the flag.  Many such men are drawn to Government.

Here is a list to be considered.  I give it weight because of the incident with my Grandfather.

Do not underestimate what the other guy will do to you.  Ever.


1 comment:

  1. Human Cruelty knows no bounds,
    There was City/Kingdom (Grecian or earlier)that would put Political Enemies and Criminals in a Hollow Bronze Statue of a Bull and then Lite a Fire under the Statue and cook the Victims Alive,The Screams of the Prisoners would Echo and Amplify inside the Statue for the entertainment of the Crowd.



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