Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Get Bloody...

Sometimes it's necessary to get out on the streets and "get a little bloody," a Massachusetts Democrat said Tuesday in reference to labor battles in Wisconsin.

Story is here.

Do you understand, yet?

We are dealing with people who will do anything to be your Master.



  1. Here, hear! I say push them to expose themselves for the bloody thugs they are. Let the people see for themselves what sort of masters they will have.

  2. Hat tipped at http://greenmnts.blogspot.com/ for your link to the Hill story.


    Gateway pundit is reporting another union thugging.

    Mr. Davis is correct. The war has come to us.

    Will We the People fall in or bug out?


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