Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, February 11, 2011

Someone has to say it...

From Karl Denninger: ...and a federal budget that cannot be balanced even if every program save five - Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment and other Welfare are eliminated.  That's right - cut the rest, including defense, to zero, down to the level of the guy sweeping Obama's office floor, and we still cannot balance the Federal budget.

You and I know this stuff, and our Political Class knows this stuff.  But the professional politicians earn their paychecks based on the Status Quo - a Status Quo that is murdering the republic.

We have one final round of Platform discussions for our III to Congress book, and I think we need to call for an immediate end to all Entitlements.  There are ways to do it so that our elderly poor are not left starving.  But the systems must go, now. 

Until someone puts it out there, in their faces, and pushes hard, no one with a political future will touch the topic.  So, we include it in our book and we take the hardest Right position on the field, so that Ron Paul's proposals even look modest by comparison, and give our allies some cover.

I'll put the final round of topics up at Kerodin.com for the weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Out with it then. End of entitlements.
    If nothing else, maybe we shift the "Overton Window" just a smidge, providing cover (so the Tea and Crumpets politicians can again vote against us??...)

    Someone has to say it. Might as well be us.



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