Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When your enemies do not fear you...

The PLP was in attendance as well...though probably not all of their "Secret Members".

This is Los Angeles.

For anyone who doubts what a Ruckus will look like, note the SEIU garbage carrying the Red solidarity flag of Communists.

If you think Communism failed when the Soviet Union "collapsed", I can't help you.

Golitsyn was right.  Anatoliy Golitsyn had the courage to call out Nosenko for what he was - a plant.  There were many who chose to side with Nosenko...and now we know why.

American Politics, academia and Unions are infested with Communists and they are the enemies of Liberty responsible for every infringement upon you and your family today.

When the time comes for a fight, you need venture no further than your local Union Halls, City Hall & College Campus to engage the enemies.  Do not forget that, like Muslims, a Communist considers a lie told to further his cause to be noble. 

Communists lie...until they no longer fear being identified for what they are...

More on this topic at Kerodin.com this evening.

Read the story at Pajamas, here.


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