Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tactical Question: Rhetorical if you wish...

Have you defined your AO, down to the street and treeline?

Do you have intimate knowledge of every OpFor resource and asset in your AO?

Do you have cataloged intel on every FreeFor resource and asset in the AO?

Do you know exactly how to deny your AO to outside players?  Do you have the manpower and materiel and the coordination to get it done?

Do you know the individuals you need to know, where they are, and where they will be?

More importantly...do they know you, where you will be, and how to take you out of play?

They've already war-gamed this many, many times.

If you haven't thought about it in proper detail, get to it.

If all you have done is think about it, you will lose.


1 comment:

  1. Good post. The task is challenging for one moving into a new AO, but necessary and mandatory nonetheless.



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