Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Denninger on the Drone...

KD discussed the Drone and a few of the underlying ramifications.

Consider if our electronics are hackable.

Consider if our MAD defense is no longer viable, because our enemies can neutralize or even detonate our nukes where they sit.

Consider how these secrets may have come into the hands of our enemies...were they stolen, cracked, or have our Domestic Enemies simply handed over the keys to the Kingdom...

Consider if our foreign enemies have the capability and the intent to do some real damage in a weak moment, effectively ending us as a world power.

Consider your paradigm for Collapse/Implosion/Ruckus/Big Die Off with these new details.

There is no up side for Liberty.

Here is KD's piece.


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