I was just asked: How do we go from 5 prototypes to a boatload of orders to having a shop that can fill those orders?
We generate press about our prototypes with the major gun magazines, buy adspace in said magazines, and take orders online from consumers while we have III Patriots chatting the pistols up to their local gun shops. A few Armorers and a bunch of assemblers will get it done.
A stack of orders will get you a stack of cash from any banker so you can buy spiffy new CDC machines and hire guys to run them...
That's the no frills version.
Ah - and a tidbit about the Citadel: One square mile is just about 700 acres. The city of St. Maries Idaho is 1.1 miles and has a population of 2400 or so. I think a condo building of perhaps 50 high-end condos sold to the Koch's of the world would finance an awful lot of our wants as a community.
Just for reference.
The city of St. Marie's is about 1.1 square miles not acres. At 1.1 acres the population density would be greater than that of Mumbai (formerly Bombay) India. And one square mile is 640 acres not "about 700'. You overestimated the size by about 10 percent. Clearly, you don't have any expertise with land and therefore we can assume none with land development. It is unlikely that the Kochs of the world are going to be interested in the pipe dreams of amateurs.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ragnar - brain fart on my part.
Whoa there Ragnar.......
DeleteA little harsh, don't you think. You may have never put the wrong units on a number but it's not that uncommon for the rest of us.
Besides, a casual discussion on a blog is a bit different from a professionally drawn up real estate contract. Chill, huh?
Mellow response there, K.
Yeah, I've been in "building" mode and given little time for guys like Ragnar who only want to destroy. Had he done his arithmetic he'd have seen my 1.1 mile figure was for St. Maries, and that translates to my 700 acres. ;) Good for us I don't think he'll want a spot among us.
I think the "self selection" factor will be pretty strong here. Will eventually have to figure out how to deal reasonably with those who show up but really don't even try to fit in. All private property and a cohesive community should make it easier, whatever path is chosen.
DeleteThe majority of people are too self-preserving to fight against an entire community for very long. It's exhausting to swim against the current, I doubt anyone dead-set against what the Citadel stands for will last long. Middle-of-the-roaders won't rock the boat even if they aren't actively involved, the go-along-to-get-along people I can live with. How many of us would voluntarily move to the middle of San Francisco just to butt heads with the libs?
DeleteGlobal Guerrilas today has an article about a guy who is 3-D printing prototype firearms. (I would assume he got the receiver separately from elsewhere? It looks stainless)
ReplyDeleteA 3-D printer would be a good tool for you.
I couldn't help notice that the population of Benewah County (where St. Maries is located) currently stands at 9,200. If we were to infuse 300 III Patriots to the county, we would constitute roughly 3% of the people there.
ReplyDeleteCoincidence, I'm sure
This election there is a man running for sheriff as a Constitutional sheriff. I'm hoping he wins.
DeleteMiss Violet
Any way we can help him along ;-)
DeleteWell, I'm seriously thinking of volunteering with his campaign...and trust me, I'm not a campaign volunteer kinda gal...but, by any means necessary, right?
DeleteMiss Violet