Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, April 25, 2013

For the record

No, you will not rescue Liberty and defeat Evil from your sofa.


And I am really disappointed that this post is even necessary.



  1. Dude, you don't get it. I have a TACTICAL sofa. I paid [insert famous tac/mil/MA personality here] a whole bunch for it and he said it would totally do everything for me!

    ( :) or :( ...or maybe both. )

  2. I'm gonna be having another one of those deep discussions with the boys again this week-end.

    We'll see if recent events have had an effect on the sofa.

  3. Ill be doing that with my family this weekend too. In the process of discussing other things along the freedom line with the woman last night, I realized that my patience and tolerance for .gov infringements has reached its end. Should never have had those in the first place. Im going to figuratively burn the sofa, just to remove the temptation of sitting down.

  4. the sofa depicted above is a photo-shop forgery: everyone knows the real deal has molded cup/can holders at either end... on mine the grill kicks out as a foot rest when i lean back... the head lights are remote controlled too...

    but the issue is too grave to brushed aside with a bit of light humor... people are in deep need of a slap or 2 to awaken them to the coming initial clash and resultant actions from both sides... i just picked up a back-up battle rifle i've finally finished paying for... range time is next now for both my wife and myself...

    the couch will have to wait....

    Prepping Preacher


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