Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

III CQB AAR by the event Organizer

Daniel has offered an AAR from our Illinois CQB class, and CA has kindly published it.

I'll give my own AAR a bit later, for now read what Daniel has to say.

Here's the link.

My thanks to both Daniel and CA.



  1. I am the infamous anonymous Bill.. LOL we need to figure out a way I can communicate with you all. I would like to write an AAR as well, Shit being the littlest one there I would like to give a good perspective.

    WiscoDave get me a way to talk with you, and Daniel, you guys are close and if you want to continue the workout I am ready and willing.


    oh and let me know if you need that programming assistance as well, . should be no sweat.

  2. Far from the littlest!!!
    Email Sam and he can get you my email.
    Found an Urban Krav class in Madison.


Please post anonymously. III Society members, please use your Call Sign.