Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Oath Keepers, eh?

Found this story over at Brock's place.

Whatever you may think of Shabazz or the Black Panthers, (and I am right there with you - they should have been beaten off the steps of the voting location a few years ago) look at the premise of the story and tell me who you support.

The guy was recently wearing a bulletproof vest, and apparently doing nothing else to raise alarm.  Philadelphia LEO conducted a "Stop & Frisk" to "...talk to him about the vest..." when they searched him, they found a revolver.

In my world, Philly LEO is the bad guy here.  When Shabazz and his allies burn Philly to the ground for garbage like this, sorry folks, I will not be weeping for the "innocents" who get caught in the middle.

The premise is simple: 4A.

Leave people the hell alone until they DO SOMETHING WRONG and do not use the "Public Safety" BS excuse to violate the Constitution.

If the Constitution doesn't apply equally to us all, we have passed Rule of Law.

Today it is Shabazz.

Your turn is coming.

Here's the link to Brock's Place.


1 comment:

  1. This was NYPD, not Philly. And having escaped NYC some years ago, this is not at all surprising.

    Here's my take: http://seeemilyplay.therealgunguys.com/?p=3446

    Constitutional Restoration means *all* of us, not just the folks we agree with. 1A, 2A, 4A, everything.


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