Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Why are we Patriots

Go read the Declaration of Independence.  Please.

Forget the Constitution for now.  Forget even the Bill of Rights.

Start at the beginning - the Declaration.

If you truly believe in the tenets of those words, if you believe that I deserve the same Rights, and that your children deserve the same Rights, then you have a moral obligation to ensure those concepts, those philosophies, are put into action and protected, do you not? 

That means you have a moral obligation to defend those tenets and philosophies from those who would be Masters, does it not?

Read the words.

If you believe them to be the fundamental Rights of your Countrymen, you have but one simple decision left to take: When do you stand tall with a rifle in your hands, and protect those Rights, and your Countrymen, and your Posterity?

It really is that simple.

The answer is inside your own heart.

Here's a link to the text.



  1. Worst....Independence....Day....Ever.

    I had to spend it with my "family" at my sister's place, with friends of hers and my bro-in-law. Other than my 83 y.o. Dad, all were flaming liberals. I tried to be unassuming and not ruffle anyone's feathers...it WAS a gathering at my sister's, so not my place cause disruption. But, THEY decided to bring up all the standard liberal B.S. Global warming, healthcare for all, immigration, gun control, evil Tea Party, etc. I lost it after about 30 minutes of being attacked from all sides while trying to clear the blinders from their eyes (but don't forget, I'm not exactly diplomatic, and a hearty "fuck you" didn't go over well). The only moment of peace I got was when I stated that I am training right now for two simple reasons...to eliminate law enforcement and military personnel that attempt to enforce unconstitutional laws or orders, and to ensure that continuity of the Constitution, BoR, DoI. You coulda heard a pin drop when I said I had ZERO problem with putting a bullet into the snot locker of a cop. *sigh* It went downhill from there and devolved into several libs screaming at me, each on a different topic. It's now 8p.m.-ish here in AZ...I'm back at home after telling them all to fuck off, and leaving...the other option was staying and pulling out my Glock and doing some good for our Nation and gene pool in general. I'm heading out to the patio now, to have a cigar, drink a bourbon and watch the fire works...and remember WHY this day exists, and forget about all the soul-sucking liberals I have to contend with. God help and protect us, now and in the future. III to III....Fuzzy

  2. "...the other option was staying and pulling out my Glock and doing some good for our Nation and gene pool in general."

    It's ironic to notice which option you took, and notice which one they'll choose when the time comes. That's bad enough but when you consider that they wouldn't even do the dirty work themselves, it's an hypocrisy beyond belief.


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