Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, June 6, 2014

III National Org, T.O.C. & more

I'm very proud recent events have generated so much enthusiasm.  As you might expect I'm getting deluged with questions - mostly "How/where do I sign up?" and "How do I get more involved?".

The bylaws will dictate everything, and it'll take a while to get them right.  As President, I can't simply appoint people to jobs - the bylaws have a role, the Board of Directors (who will be made up of you, by the methods spelled out in the bylaws) have a role, et cetera.

But some things I can do as the organization begins to gel: We'll talk about Memberships in a post tonight. As you know, we started a T.O.C. blog last night, and a big issue at the moment deserves this attention: Many, many people are volunteering to help staff the Tactical Operation Center aka T.O.C. - and when the bylaws get finalized and staffing (per the bylaws) gets put in place, everything relating to the T.O.C. will be formalized.  As with every project I've ever participated in with the III, we will ALL have our input.

Right now there is a lot of chatter about the S2 function of the T.O.C. and the national org.

This is NOT a discussion for open air.  So to that end, Holly has set up an email address at Unseen so anyone/everyone who wants to volunteer or donate gear quietly or participate in some manner either on T.O.C. deployments or in the National Organization: Send an email to S2TOC@Unseen.is

Your email will be held in confidence and it will get to the right people.  Just remember, we need a little latitude until the lawyers get us out the gate properly when it comes to putting people into positions the proper way.  But if you want to be part of S2 - send that email.  S2TOC@Unseen.is

For general Staffing matters: TOCStaffing@unseen.is

We'll probably set up more such addresses for important topics, but this one is getting hammered now, so it gets addressed first.

I'll post the email at the T.O.C. site as well.

Just remember this, folks: Everything we are doing is real.  Life and Death are up in the air, and I promise you games will not be tolerated.  You will be dealing with serious, trustworthy people only.



  1. Good moves. Email sent to each entity.

  2. don't anyone hate on me for this but I think I understand how msnbc's chris matthews felt when he said he felt a tingle run up his leg.

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL sometimes I'm too funny for my hair !!


    1. Is that the same thing as being too sexy for your shirt???? ;-)

      Sorry....had to ask.

      Miss Violet

    2. Prepping Preaching, you are too funny for MY hair. :-D

      I think a lot of us are feeling that same tingle.

  3. The III Chaplain Corps blog is up, come visit us at http://iiichaplaincorps.blogspot.com

    1. Just visited. Holy Toledo. Super Awesome!!!

      Do consider increasing the font size of text on your blog for those of us with aging eyes -- uhm -- a mature visual perspective.

    2. I am working on that as my eyes are old as well! Keep an eye out for upcoming posts by myself and Prepping Preacher as we have been tasked to make the Chaplain Corps a reality.
      God Bless

      Paul L
      We Are III

  4. Paul: Visited but couldn't leave a comment. No NAME/URL option - I don't know how/can't get other options to work. My email available at Ken's place by the plates.
    God Bless.

    1. I'll work on that as well. I have only had admin rights for about 12 hours at this point and I have a long list of changes to make and settings to adjust. I'll put that as a priority for after Church this morning.
      God Bless

      Paul L
      We Are III

    2. I believe I have fixed the problem, please try again!


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