Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Homeland Security Agents Raid Home to Seize Land Rover For Violation of EPA Regulations

Runnin' & gunnin' - maybe.  In the woods?  Maybe...

The first tactical trainer to set up a mock suburb or city training center will be rich - and probably the target of the first US .mil/DHS Drone Strike on CONUS.

DHS hunts in the 'burbs and cities, folks.  Can you defend yourself in those environs?

Here's the link.

Have a nice day.



  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, even I had to read that more than once to make certain it wasn't a hoax.

      But what is happening is as serious as eye-cancer - they (The Feds) are setting legal precedents for acting in the most mundane ways, so that when they go hard, they won't get much pushback from "the courts".

      This is part of that "ramping-up" I have been discussing as we get closer to 2014 elections.

      Once those elections are over - the rules in America will be changed.


  2. Lucky the EPA can't mess with wood stoves; people might get cold. Oh wait...


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