Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, April 2, 2015

For Your Consideration

The "broken windows theory" of policing states, roughly, that if police focus on minor, low-level crimes like graffiti, vandalism other public order offenses, that focus helps deter and prevent more serious crimes.

It paid dividends last night when officers from an anti-crime unit stopped a red Chevy Impala for illegal window tint. When the driver could not produce the car's registration and/or insurance, he was asked to step out of the vehicle for more questioning. As he did so, an officer looking into the car saw a knife, opening up the car to a more detailed search. The result of that search? [Emphasis mine - K]

Here's the link.



  1. I was going to comment over there but why waste my time...It would be like wrestling a pig all your going to do is annoy the pig and get mud all over you...Sad that people are so fucking stupid to realize that if they don't stand up when it's the small things they are going to fail at standing up for the big ones...They are the frogs that keep swimming around saying its not to warm yet as they turn it up another degree what they don't realize is by the time it is to hot they will already be dead or so lethargic that they won't be able to do anything about it anyway...It enrages me when they provide excuse for bad laws to justify putting someone in prison or murdering them...People love to be ruled don't they....

  2. Pretty sure my sunglasses constitute as "illegal tint"... especially in combination with my tinted windows. What a joke.

  3. I'm really beginning to believe its just too damned late. 'Mericuns have gone full fucking retard.

  4. I wonder if old 1811 is an old man because if he is he shouldn't be driving because old people kill more people than people with tinted windows...I wonder if he would abide by that law if us young guys voted in anyone over 50 couldn't drive...They have no fucking thought process love how since its been a law since this it better be obeyed like laws back then were infallible and better be obeyed serf...Fuck that what a bunch of slaves...

    1. brother, watch it with you youngun's voting 'anyone over 50 can't drive...' that's my prime... I'm bringing the tribe north in July, the trans in the diesel will be done, and no voting shit has stopped me yet...lol. just got to get the window tint done...
      Great to talk with you, finally, too... and will again as I said. Easter blessings to you and yours.... stormfriend sends

    2. Looking forward to talking with you again old man;) Sometimes I feel like one(old man) after I get down off that 5th tower for the day...Happy Easter to you and yours as well...

  5. Nice logic---"Something happened that I liked, so everything else is justified."

    That's why I say, K, that Pragmatism is the "biggest enemy, by far."

    1. Pragmatism is, for the greater part, nothing more than ignorance, aggressively practiced.



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