In this latest example, LEO is trying to label Jeff Gray, a 1A advocate, as a Sovereign Citizen, with all the negative connotations that it carries.
There is only one reason such efforts are underway at such a pace.
Men who mean to be Masters have a plan, and that plan is likely to commence in the relatively near future.
The PLAN I believe will be to provoke Patriots with the PsyOp Jade Helm15.
ReplyDeleteIt will begin the 3rd great American Crises (The destruction of the Socialist/Progressives) with Slavery, and the American Revolution preceding it.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty Brothers.
The leftists have been working overtime to label anyone associated with the Liberty/Patriot/III%/militia/prepper "groups" as extremists,with special emphasis on white,Christian males,and extra special emphasis on southern white Christian males-that way they get to use their favorite term-raaaaciiissst-just read the garbage Mark Potok and the SPLC spew regularly.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who is associated with the above mentioned groups is being labeled as we speak-the left is trying to distract the tee vee addict segment of society by making us the new "enemy".
They use nothing but lies,half-truths and obfuscation in their attempts to make us the enemy-more people are starting to see through the scams,and the left is losing some of it's power-some,but not nearly enough.
The same things they use to label us as the "enemy" need to be used on the leftists-use their own tricks on them-turning the tables,and making them known as the real enemy of Rightful Liberty that they are.
Use social media,comment on their websites-distract and confuse them-and they will start making mistakes.