Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, June 28, 2015

$3.2 million per family in SC Church Murders


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Justice Department will fast track the sending of $29 million to South Carolina to help families of victims of the mass murder of nine churchgoers at a historic black church in Charleston, a Justice Department spokesman said on Friday.

An unspecified portion of the money, allocated under the government's national Crime Victim Assistance Formula Grant program, can be used to provide services to the families of victims of the shootings at Emmanuel AME Church, spokesman Kevin Lewis said.



  1. Hush money of course. ;)

  2. I am sure there will be some direct financial help to the families after they fill out the proper forms and such but I would also bet most of it is for various departments to staff extra clerks, therapist etc. and to pay into those employee pensions etc. as well.

  3. does anyone know if this kind of reparation was made to any other shooting victim families..?? or is this special because of the place but is a church more special than a school..???

  4. and is this any more special than the Fort Hood shootings?



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