Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just Remember, Mo has Nukes in Pakistan...

And now we see one of the primary reasons for the Arab Spring.

It is more properly titled The Muslim Spring.  Subtitle: Empower & Arm the Enemies of Liberty.

In Libya alone 20,000 SAM's are missing, obviously now in the hands of the Muslim Horde that would like to kill all Westerners.  Whether they ever do is a side issue: Western Masters will use armed Muslims as the excuse for further assaults on Liberty.

But you just keep watching the Sparklies, silly Americans.  There is nothing behind the curtain.

Government will protect us.

Please remove your shoes.

Orwell was a optimist.

Here's the story.


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