Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Russ Longcore at Dump DC: Unalienable vs. Inalienable

Russ posted this a while ago, so many of you have probably already seen it.

If not, I commend it to you whole-heartedly.

Our language is a beautiful thing - precise and with a wonderful gift of nuance.  There are times I sacrifice nuance to paint with broader strokes, and it sometimes bites me in the butt (especially when The Trainer catches me being sloppy ;)

We are blessed that our Founding Generation had a serious relationship with both the precision and nuance of our language, for had they been sloppy in crafting our Founding Documents you and I would be at a great disadvantage today as we claim the Rights upon which we stand.

The word unalienable is precise, and there are times we must be precise.  There are times when nothing but absolute precision will do.

Here is the piece.


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