ok folks - the last orders I have on the books will be going out in the evening mail.
There were too many to get done in one day, sorry. Everyone should have everything that has been ordered by the end of the week, depending on where you live and how fast USPS does their thing. Everything is shipping Priority.
Miss Violet: Your package is the one I am most interested in feedback when you receive it, please. The reason is the mugs - I want to make sure they made it without any chipping/flaking. When they went into the box they were perfect, and I want to know if we protected them sufficiently. So please let me know if they flaked, even a tiny bit, at the bottom.
Others who ordered mugs were sent differently because of the composition of the overall order.
I found that several of the mugs, as we took them out of the box from the printer, had flaked slightly along the bottom edge - so even the printer (who obviously ships these things often) hasn't found a foolproof method of shipping.
So, ANYONE who has any problem when they open their package, let me know. Don't be shy. My feelings will not be hurt if we have to ship you a replacement, and your feedback will help me be certain that we package securely enough to survive Postal Service workers.
Also: I was surprised with the flags - they were packaged much smaller than I anticipated. I charged everyone shipping based on USPS "Medium" flat rate, and in only a few cases did I need that much. So check your packages, I added a freebie to make up the difference. :)
Thanks to all. Give USPS 'til Saturday. If you haven't seen your order, let me know. I know a few of you have already rec'd your packages sent late last week.
One note about the flags: Our logo of the Minuteman is a pen & ink, as you all know. When blown up to the size of a flag, the blank spaces in the art grew larger. It's not pixelated, you'll see what I mean when you unfurl the flag - the open spaces in the art just got bigger than on a patch or card. Personally, I love mine. My wife isn't quite happy that I am using it as a curtain in her living room until I hang it in my shop...
"One note about the flags: Our logo of the Minuteman is a pen & ink, as you all know. When blown up to the size of a flag, the blank spaces in the art grew larger. It's not pixelated, you'll see what I mean when you unfurl the flag - the open spaces in the art just got bigger than on a patch or card. Personally, I love mine. My wife isn't quite happy that I am using it as a curtain in her living room until I hang it in my shop..."
I'll let you know when the III shipment arrives and it's condition...you make it sound like I'm the farthest out, Lordy I hope I'm not the only III Patriot out here...
Miss V