Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, February 8, 2013

As you contemplate the words and deeds of war...

...remember that in the real world, in real fights, even if you win easily, it won't be free.

In most real fights with two relatively equal fighters, both will die.  The "Loser" will be killed by the "Winner", and most of the time, the "Winner" will die without real medical treatment.

Even in a fight with a superior fighter, who has superior training and experience, only a fool underestimates the damage the 130# "office nerd" can do when he is fighting for his life, or his ideals.

Sorry folks, that's just the way it is in the real world.

So as you contemplate what evil may come, as you talk of engaging that evil, do not lie to yourself.

I do not care how long you have trained in what martial art.  I do not care how slicked & tricked your AR may be and I do not care if you can hit the X ring at 1,000 yards.  When everyone understands that second place means death, you'd better think long and hard about who, what, where and when you choose to engage. 

No man is easy to kill if he knows it is a deathfight.  And every fight is a deathfight, or you shouldn't be there.

Evil this way comes.

Hesitate, and die.  Under-estimate, and die.  Assume, and die. 

Hell, even if you "win", you may be dead and never know you "won".

What's the take-away? 

There.  Are.  No.  Rules.


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