Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, June 1, 2013


One of the reasons the III community has been able to accomplish so much forward motion in the last few years is because we have raised money to accomplish very specific goals.  That is how we made it to the radio.  That is how III Arms came into existence.  That is how the Citadel continues to advance.  That is how we have been able to put so many people in patches, shirts, caps and more to grow our ranks.

We also have had a clarity of purpose in recent years that has guided all of our efforts.  We've defined what we want to accomplish, then we lay out how we will do it, then we do it.  All of this has only been possible because Patriots have stepped up and committed their support, their expertise, experience, and resources.

Every day finds more and more headlines at Drudge that show just how divided we have become as a nation, and how we ave allowed a Tribe of anti-American, immoral parasites and those who would be Masters to rise up in our midst.  These people work every single day and spend countless millions to rid America of people like you and me, to marginalize morality, to make our posterity stupid, and to enslave our children from birth until death in oppression.

There is going to be a fight.  If we do not win, everything and every person you hold dear will be lost.  This fight will not be violence alone - nor are we going to escape violence.

The war of words and principles has boiled down to its essence, and the battlefield that has both Patriots and Enemies of Liberty lining up against one another is 2A.  First blood will probably be drawn over 2A.  No other single issue is more likely to see Patriots leave the porch than 2A.  Once the fight is underway there will be many reasons to fight - from abortion to religion to customs and taxes and more.

But the trigger will be 2A.

We have been here before.

And I would argue we stand in the precise moment today that once had Patrick Henry utter these words: It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace! but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!

This counter-revolution has been brewing for generations.  It was our grandfathers and great grandfathers who permitted the true attack against 2A to stand - 1934.  Today the Enemies of Liberty seek to take even more, removing semi-auto technology from our defensive capabilities.  They will not stop there - they will never stop.

Without 2A, you can not defend any of your Rights.

The PSA above was recently offered by an anti-gun group.  It is powerful, and it resonates with a very large portion of the population.  We need a counter-punch.  Not an NRA-approved, weak-wristed whine - but a backfist to the teeth of the Enemies of Liberty.  They need to taste copper in their mouths after watching our PSA. 

I have been considering a III-produced PSA for a while now, and it is time to move forward.  Our PSA must be powerful, it must make our point clearly, and it must be irreverent enough to gain media attention.  I have the general premise worked out, have run it by a few trusted and smart allies, and we'll tweak it a bit more as we raise money to produce it.  I have decided to shoot the PSA in the Miami area, and to use the opportunity for our southeastern Patriots to get together.

To shoot a 60 second PSA (that we can edit down to 30 seconds, thus getting 2 PSAs for the price of one) will require talent and professional videographers, post-production pros, and more.  In the end we will have a headline maker for the III and our values.  It will be a signal fire for Americans who think like we think to join us.  It will make the heads of our enemies explode.

It will move the ball forward.

We need to raise $6,500 to get this done properly.  Anyone in the media/production world knows that is a small budget - but we have several professionals who will help us get it done as inexpensively as possible.

As soon as we raise the money we'll set a production schedule and get this done.  All III Patriots who want to be on set are welcome if you can make it to Florida.

You can donate any amount via PayPal below, or you can send checks or metals via snail mail.

**NOTE** My next post will be about III CQB Training.  The program has been designed and is ready to launch.



  1. Wow! I won't have to travel very far for the PSA gig? Cool! I'll work up a donation ASAP after a settle a few obligations and an unexpected ammo purchase.

    I was asked today about the CQB class. There is interest here. We need to talk about particulars.

  2. I went to there sight makes me want to puke at how unbelievably stupid people are...I just wish they would step into the gas chamber first instead of trying to push the rest of us in saying its for the children...Do they all have the Stockholm Syndrome where they cuddle up to those trying to exterminate them...Phuking Idiots...

    1. "...Do they all have the Stockholm Syndrome where they cuddle up to those trying to exterminate them..."

      you likely weren't expecting a response to this comment but it's my view that there have been at least 2 generations of cowards raised, the latter more so than the former... they've been fed an overdose of entitlement/dependent mentality with a huge portion of statism laced heavily with an anti-God syndrome producing gobs of the population chanting for control - of any and every kind... the result is chronic, stage 4, terminal stupid... they reek of it and display it every opportunity and if they don't have one, they make one just to prove how stupid they are...

      Prepping Preacher

    2. From a philosophical point of view I wonder when the moment will be when they will wake up...Will it be as they are herded on to the cars, will it be when they are holding on to chain link fence looking out from the camp, or when they are being led to the chamber, or maybe when they wake up in hell only then will they realize they were wrong...


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