Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Drudge Headline re Ferguson: "Time to kill a cop..."

The moment that precedent is set, it will go viral.

Here's the story.

The tides are shifting,

Red Team may think they are ready, but they aren't.  Not even close.

III Percent Society for America


  1. Resister in the Rockies is reporting that a private security contractor has boots on the ground in Ferguson. He suspects that news stories coming out of Officer Wilson sustaining severe facial injuries will prevent an indictment of the grand jury. "There you have it. Looks like Officer Darren Wilson is about to be cleared of any wrong doing. This could get messy."

  2. But Holder is there, could this be to the benefit of the Ferguson police? Will Gov Nixon and Holder appease the Black Panthers & Co and go after the cop? If so, how will every other law agency look at the DOJ? It's looking as if the cop took a clobbering prior to use of arms. So if the D.A. attempts to have the lawman's badge, Will doughnut shops across the country be void?

  3. But Holder is there, could this be to the benefit of the Ferguson police? Will Gov Nixon and Holder appease the Black Panthers & Co and go after the cop? If so, how will every other law agency look at the DOJ? It's looking as if the cop took a clobbering prior to use of arms. So if the D.A. attempts to have the lawman's badge, Will doughnut shops across the country be void?


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