Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Houston, you have a fucking problem...

**UPDATE** From Prepping Preacher, here.


Alan sent the link.

This is what I meant by "...ramping up..." and "...dropping the optics..."

When the State demands the Clergy hand over sermons, I do not care what religion you follow - if any - you need to be cocked & locked and ready to go to your local Green.

Here's the link.

Thanks, Alan.



  1. I've commented on the Chaplain's Page

    PP Chaplain IIIPSA

  2. This is complete and utter BULLSHIT! Are they demanding this from the Mosques? There would be outrage!!! This pushing of an agenda has gotten out of hand, especially since the LGBT community only consists of about 1-2% of the population. This type of thing will lose them lots of support.

    They are playing a dangerous game that could have far reaching consequences.

    1. I disagree. Nothing will be done, it will not cause them any loss of support. If anyone in the LGBT goes to church it will be at a church that accepts them and does not preach against them so they will feel no loss of their 1A rights.
      Also, in my experience L/G put their L/G rights before any other considerations in their lives. All experiences are gauged on how equal they are treated in that regard.

    2. Time for a wall-to-wall F*CKYOU from anyone with stones.

      P-A-P: saw you at PatCon, but did not get the chance to meet you face-to-face. I live kinda sorta within driving distance (2 hrs), and would like to make contact offline . If you would, please email Brock - he can forward my contact info.

    3. Miss V... sadly you are probably right... We The People are in DEEP Doodoo....

      DE-HB.... I will message Brock and tell him to forward you my info.

  3. What response will there be from Patriots?
    What Patriot who actually has the credibility and audience to gather those who would actually stand to and hold ground say and do?
    However, I gurantee you that there will be much babbling, and hand wringing about how now is not the time, redoubts, close quarters and ebola fears, and the way to win is to be more resectful than enemies if our Republic.
    Have at it and enjoy how this plays itself out.

    1. cavmed, there are those of us(clergy) who are concerned for Rightful Liberty as any non-clergy. Just for argument's sake, Pastor Chuck Baldwin was on the Bundy Ranch when the blm went swat. Dismissiveness is divisive.

      this is not a rant nor a flaming. Simply comments coming from 1 III to another Patriot.

    2. "...there are those of us(clergy) who are concerned for Rightful Liberty as any non-clergy."

      And thanks for that, too. A lot of the III believe people have to be moral in order to be free, when the truth is that they have to be free in order to be moral.

      Whatever "moral" is, can be discussed after. First things first.

  4. Back iin the 90's, there was a publication called, "The Resister," by the SF Underground, which I'm sure many of the readers here and at WRSA are familiar...anyway, they were asked what they thought the tripwire would be if not repeal of the Second Amendment. They replied they didn't care so much about that; rather, they said that health and welfare of the First Amendment was much more important. When it became endangered, abrogated, or rescinded, that was what would start things....

    1. What a coincidence...that's exactly what the Orthodoxy of the Objectivists say too. It may be the only thing we agree about---how much value there is in that.

    2. I recall there were purges of the community
      during Bubba's first term in response to
      that publication.

  5. http://www.mississippigunnews.com/breaking-news-rankin-county-ms-police-suspend-your-rights-if-you-legally-carry-a-gun/


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