Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Malloy gets the blessing of his state...

"Elections have consequences," the candidate [Malloy] said...

Had Malloy been voted from office, I would have bet the farm that there would be no 2A raids.

But in a state that knew the stakes, he was re-elected.  Every gunner in the state knew what was on the table.  And a quick analysis of the voter landscape in Connecticut reveals that nearly every single registered Republican went to the polls.  The problem - the R's are outnumbered nearly 2:1 by D's.

I now think armed raids to enforce recent 2A legislation are imminent, especially given his comment above.  The raids may be repelled, or sufficiently bloody that the state backs off.  But putting this man back in office sanctions his position, at least among those who would be Masters and those who want Masters.

Good luck to you, Connecticut.



  1. as for living in the state of idiots whom re-elected bozo

    can concur it is just another day driving on the highway to hell

  2. Either the folk who live in Connecticut will live in (semi-)Rightful Liberty, which first includes defending one's own life and property in any manner deemed appropriate, or nobody in this country ever will again.

    Everyone likes guessing; that's my guess.

  3. Malloy got the blessing of half of 26% of his "state". That's how many actually cared to vote for their cartel in the latest round of sheeple jeopardy.

    That means almost 75% of the state is to apathetic or knows it's rigged. Here's the good news, the numbers who did vote likely include every last statist cnt in existence. That means their numbers, ahem aren't quite as robust as the media circus tent would pretend. Ponder it patriots. Lots of hearts and minds out there to be one, get going on positive messaging.

  4. "Here's the good news, the numbers who did vote likely include every last statist cnt in existence. That means their numbers, ahem aren't quite as robust as the media circus tent would pretend."

    That is good news, isn't it? Great logic; thanks.

  5. Mother Calls Police to Help Her Son Take His Medicine, Cop Shows Up and Shoots Him
    This murder happened two days ago.
    What to do?
    What to do?
    Obviously, those who have the connections, reputation and resources to gather those who would kit up in response will not issue the call.
    Thankfully, I can still continue to donate, answer polls and vote for republicans to replace my democratic sodomizers.

    1. You have all those, D, especially the most important...reputation. I know it sounds too simple, but it's true anyway: every bit of it is a choice. Sure, it's easier said than done, always is.

      Me, I'm keeping a close eye on CT as much as possible, and still trying to find Marvin Louis Guy. I'm no formalized Warrior or Strategist or anything, but it seems to me this would be a very bad time for a big loss.


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