Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Travel & Tech Update

Just an FYI: email glitches and server issues at our web host.  Emails being eaten and access issues across some Kerodin domains.  They say they are working on it - but if I am blacked-out, don't take it personally.  Apparently sending email has been an issue for several days - so if you were waiting for a reply, or sent me something, it may be in the ether.

More when able.



  1. In case it helps-
    tried sending E-mail and it bounced back with the message "the mailbox is full"

    1. Thanks. In addition to typical connectivity issues in remote motels, and working across several devices that don't like to sync with one another reliably - the email issue crapped up when the server hosting all my accounts crapped out and my web host had a tough time getting it squared away. But we seem to be back up again - at least on my personal domains and emails. Connectivity remains challenging...

      Stay safe.


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