Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Shooting, Moving, Communicating...

The basics: Shoot, Move & Communicate.

Resist must evolve to Refuse, which must then evolve to Retaliate.

That is a progression that will be different for every Patriot.  Not everyone can/should move from Resist to Refuse - I do not recommend anyone detonate their lives unless the upside is real and tangible.

We have some great talent and experience in our community - from Comms to Fighting Tactics to Trauma, we have an outstanding pool of Patriots who are willing to help you learn.  We also have some very motivated people working on training programs to help the Auxiliary to spool-up in a uniform, effective manner.

Here are two more pieces from Sparks31.  The Basic Plan, here.  Tools of the Trade, here.

Remember, Patriots - your mind is your most valuable and effective weapon.  Fill it with knowledge, hone it, harden it.  Most importantly - use it!


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