Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

Millions of Americans have joined our military.

The overwhelming majority - I factor it at 99.9%+ - entered in good faith, for God and Country.

Think about them all this weekend.



  1. There is an American legion right down the road from me. Tomorrow i plan on getting a cold beer there and leaving money to pay for the regulars beer. I've been blessed with overtime lately so I do what I can. I feel sorry for those still serving as this administration has turned this country on a downright embarrassing path.

  2. Many, many of us who joined the armed services young and naieve are now older, and our experiences in uniform have ripped the veil of naivete from our eyes. Therefore, we see the hypocracy, the lies and manipulation, and the outright evil with a clarity beyond what most civilians will ever experience.

    And THAT is why Fed.Gov has declared us all "potential terrorists" - because we see the full extent of their evil, and we might just take up arms against them.
    Yeah - we might just start something...

  3. I don't usually cross-post. Today, I'm making an exception.

    … and none shall measure those who have fought the battle, save God.

    For even their fellows, who have gone over the same ground, and borne the same hardships, have only their own personal glimpses into the struggle which war ignites in the soul of each man. A struggle which we bear the rest of our lives -- which both changes us, and marks us.
    Whether we wish it or not, it sets us apart.

    The prayer of ever Soldier, ever Marine, every Airman and every Sailor as they face the battle is a simple one, and it comes down to this -- Please God, accept my sacrifice; make it sufficient; and grant me peace with what I must do. Amen

    Today, let us echo their prayers, for all who serve now, and all who have ever served -- Please God, accept their sacrifice. Make it sufficient. Grant them each peace, and redemption, and leave them not alone, but protect them from every evil.

    For all those who served; our roll call of honor, the pride of our history, and the inspiration of our future -- Lord, we give thanks. Amen.


    Why am I reposting? Because today it hurts, more than usual. Today, when I think of all the sacrifices which have been made to preserve Truth and freedom; and I am forced to contemplate the blatant disrespect which those sacrifices are contemplated by those in the circles of power in this day.

    Today, it demands to be said.

  4. Wishing all a somber Memorial Day today. If not for those of us the hypocrites in "power" today would not have their ability to scheme against us, which truly shows their own weakness of thought when it come to "ruling" us. God bless us all and God bless liberty!


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