Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, September 20, 2015


The Iron Legion, here.


  1. I understand the premise of what they are doing but it leans a bit to the whole "Anglo Saxon preservation" - why not just call it a anti-communisim movement... Everything erroding the American way of life is based off of two ideologies taking hold in America. Socialism and communism. Call it for what it is. Do what sabo does. Make hard hitting content from posters to videos. Infiltrate commie meetings with hidden cameras and audio recorders in states where its one party consent. This "iron legion" feels too much like storm front. Stay away.

    1. Stormfront and the WN agenda sure have set deep roots in the Liberty Movement, haven't they?

    2. Every flavor of nationalist wants a piece of liberty, "for their own kind" of course...

      But then again, there is nothing new under the sun.

  2. If it's not nationalist movement and not a stormfront'esq movement then what is it? I certainly don't care for the European way of life... That's why our ancestors left in the first place.

  3. Seems Storm Frontish, wonder what they would think of my wife being of darker complexion? Kinda throws a kink in the whole European Preservation thing, huh?

  4. Seems Storm Frontish. Wonder what they think of my wife being of a darker complexion? Kinda throws a kink in the whole European Preservation thing, huh? Trash comes in all varieties, this just happens to be "European".


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