Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, January 29, 2016

LaVoy Finicum Analysis

There are still unknowns regarding the LaVoy Finicum shooting.  Some of these unknowns may be resolved, some may not.  Here is our analysis as of this posting:

McConnell is dismissed as a credible player and witness.  Too many common sense realities and deductions demand that his testimony be considered tainted  - at best.

Victoria remains credible and comes across as sincere.  This is subjective - that is the art of analysis, not the science.  She insists shots were fired at the Finicum truck prior to the snow bank and subsequent action.  Until verifiable proof is presented dis-proving that claim, we go with her assertions.  If her vehicle came under fire prior to Finicum's bolt toward the roadblock and subsequent exit of the vehicle, his actions become more understandable.  

Would you not exit a vehicle that was under fire to protect, and to draw fire away from, people you hold dear?  I think LaVoy Finicum would - and perhaps did.

Finicum is clearly seen raising his arms in capitulation.  Then we see 'furtive movement' that would, on the surface, justify a Hard response from LEO.  But on the enhanced video, what we see is consistent with a man who is physically reacting to being shot multiple times - not necessarily consistent with a man reaching for a concealed pistol.  If it turns out Finicum was shot in the torso, the conclusion of the III Percent must be that his body actions were a result of those bullets hitting his body, versus an attempt to reach for a concealed weapon. (Note: Common sense dictates that Finicum would have reached for his trusted Colt in a Life/Not Life moment - not a concealed 9MM as offered by LEO.)

Practical Tactical: Use the video to determine your own conclusions.  Do not accept our assessment any more easily than you would accept the conclusions drawn by LEO. Secondly - take note of the Operational details - men pre-positioned in the woods flanking the roadblock. The roadblock itself, staged a mile or so from the initial contact point.  The invitation from John Day to visit, only to be ambushed with obvious pre-planning on a route essential to Bundy & Company.  These are tidbits your Team must assimilate into your training and preparedness.

Liberty and Tyranny are fighting RevWarIII - right now.  You are either a III Patriot, or a bystander...


You no longer live in the country that was created in 1781. That Constitutional Republic, based on rightful liberty and equality before the law, no longer exists. You live in a a lawless banana republic, where might is right and there will never be justice. - Max Velocity

Max's blog - here.
Forum - here. (Pay particular attention to Mike S./Culper and his once-again 'brilliant' analysis as it is deconstructed by men with brains.)


  1. Every year new words are added or revised for our language.
    I suggest the words, road block, be revised to include the definition: Government ambush.

  2. Very important: this is the video with audio from presser:


    1. How can that be? The eye witness in the vehicle (that we are told by "K" in the story above is to believed) said they were unarmed yet the FBI states that there were 3 additional loaded weapons inside the vehicle?

  3. "Liberty and Tyranny are fighting RevWarIII - right now. You are either a III Patriot, or a bystander... "


    The bystanders will provide plenty of prevarication by way of their favorite outlets, whereas patriots will spend their time in silent contemplation...

    The truth is plain before us. What we do with it will make a clear declaration of where we each stand.

    Quod facis grandi clamoribus in auribus meis,
    quia non possum audiat verba inquis.

    In aliis verbis, "Acta non Verba."

  4. Well at least Culper admits his opinion was wrong after Max's excellent analysis of the event.

    Max's condemnation of the "opinion makers" in "the community", mainly the III establishment, is again long over due.

    1. Mike/Culper is pandering to Max's audience. If he were a sincere and honest broker he'd post a mea culpa at his place and WRSA with the same enthusiasm as he suckled FedGov taint over the last few days.

      He's a low-rent provocateur most likely still on the FedGov payroll. (Not long after he supposedly tried to re-up in Army Intel in 2012 he rec'd a cash infusion to push his websites up a notch... but I am revealing too much and spoiling the upcoming book on the topic. ;)

    2. Isn't it time to do something! I read your posts, yet I see no action, we got people ready to support are fellow americans that are dying for are rights.

    3. Chris - what do you suggest? In detail, please.

    4. Ready to support? How about ready to be on the front line Mr. Gray???

  5. More on "Lessons Learned."

    Strategically, bring some 'Black Lives Matter' folks into the next BLM standoff.

    Once Sharpton and Jackson are on the ground, there won't be any more Finicums.


  6. the question now is what to do, and when to do it? There are many people on the oregon coast talking about making the trip up there but 100-200 people isn't going to make a difference, 1000-2000 people are needed to make a difference, I am personally willing to go, I live in Oregon Now, but I'm from north Idaho and was there when Ruby Ridge went down. Another one died needlessly and we have guys standing there ground with what Internet support? Hasn't the Line been Drawn? Hasn't it been crossed? and now there's bloodshed! We need numbers and we need to mobilize now not later there are more lives on the line. Or do we just stand by and watch them be murdered too? I was raised in a military family and my blood boils seeing nothing happen. I'm contacting other organizations to get more numbers! But come you guys you iii Percent all I see is talk! its time for action!

  7. the question now is what to do, and when to do it? There are many people on the oregon coast talking about making the trip up there but 100-200 people isn't going to make a difference, 1000-2000 people are needed to make a difference, I am personally willing to go, I live in Oregon Now, but I'm from north Idaho and was there when Ruby Ridge went down. Another one died needlessly and we have guys standing there ground with what Internet support? Hasn't the Line been Drawn? Hasn't it been crossed? and now there's bloodshed! We need numbers and we need to mobilize now not later there are more lives on the line. Or do we just stand by and watch them be murdered too? I was raised in a military family and my blood boils seeing nothing happen. I'm contacting other organizations to get more numbers! But come you guys you iii Percent all I see is talk! its time for action!

  8. Flash grenades or grenade simulators used on either side of vehicle.
    Video suggests drone capable of carrying munitions (blacked out data fields). Armed men in woods to flank vehicle at roadblock.

  9. This whole thing,from start to finish,smells of shit.

  10. With out audio available on this video it is in my opinion it is inconclusive. However this is my analyst of what I see. Upon approaching the roadblock that by the way was on a curve Finicum swerved to not cause impact and at that moment a shot or shots were fired by law enforcement into the windshield on the drivers side of his truck. Finicum immediately exit the truck with his hands in the air and was moving away from the truck to protect the occupants in the truck. The officer in the foreground fired two to three shots striking Finicum in the torso. Natural reaction is to reach for the wound impact area. Law enforcement officer behind Finicum fires his weapon. This officer was in a flank position of the roadblock and struck Finicun from the back and when Finicum spun around the flank coward fired the fatal shot. If this coward believed Finicum was reaching for a weapon why did he retreat from is tactical position like the coward he is without confirming the threat was neutralized? My opinion does not matter however here it is. If law enforcement says a loaded 9mm hand gun was found on Finicum why not show this when after ten minutes they approach and search his lifeless body. My opinion there was no loaded weapon found on LeVoy Finicums body. Something about this just is not right.

  11. K, this is your new neck of the woods; was this your line? If not, why not? If so, Opera non Verba.

    1. 1) Please identify yourself - with the same name you use to post at WRSA and other sites.

      2) See our new post.

      3) If any of my lines are ever crossed, it will not be telegraphed here. Just ask Kenny. ;)

  12. The problem with Culpers style of "analysis" is he starts with his desired end result and builds his hypothysis around that. The fact that he so closely parralelled the FBI narrative should be concerning to the Patriot Community.

    This is the same thing that global warming scientists do and we see how many times they have to revise their story as key factors contradict their analysis.

  13. Those spewing the .gov baloney, first had to suck it down. The facts are plain - regardless of any other facts, the depraved indifference of those agents/troopers after Finicum was down and no longer a threat is plain on its face. It was a willful act to leave a shot man unattended, bleeding out in the snow.
    This in itself satisfies the requirements for a charge of Depraved Indifference Homicide upon every .gov operative on scene, and especially upon whoever was in charge of the operation.

  14. This is dated.

    Paul C


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