Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, March 18, 2016

Idaho: Constitutional Carry

UPDATE: Senate passes the bill to the House, here.  In an election year there is every likelihood that Idaho will send this bill to the Governor and it will be signed.

Idaho is a very good place to be when trucks stop rolling and the cities burn.  Good people, the ability to sustain ourselves, and work together for a common goal.  Where you take your stand is entirely up to you - just understand if you are in a city or suburb, you are seriously handicapping your odds of survival.  And if you die in a neighborhood skirmish - who will protect your wife and children?

Where are you planning to meet the Apocalypse?

Choose wisely.

Story is here.


  1. I wish Oregon would go to Constitutional Carry.

  2. wouldn't it be fantastic if people would stop wishing for things they already have a right to do. Oh please government, give me the right to bear arms concealed without a permit.

    For starters the federal constitution allows for the bearing of arms concealed or openly without permit. To infringe upon that right would be illegal.

    Secondly, who the heck needs an old piece of paper to allow them to bear arms ?

    Finally, you can't serve 2 masters. Either you have these god given rights, or man gives you privileges via some dusty piece of paper.

    Post Script, anytime someone thinks they can initiate violence against you because you are in some type of non violent violation of whatever nonsense, defend yourself !

    1. I get what you're saying Anon, but my comment was not for my personal benefit but for the many hundreds of thousands to be able to EDC, concealed or open.
      I personally EDC. Concealed when in the city and open when at the ranch, both without a permit. I refuse to pay a gratuity to the state for a God given right.

      Anon, do you carry without a permit in whatever state you live in?

    2. does a bear shit in the woods :) We must lead by example, pretty worn down with words.

  3. It is absolutely stupid comments like this that just make me want to disavow any connection to the human race. Mercy.

  4. Logical observations and points regarding our god given rights vs. the cluster muck that is the current state, makes you want to disavow any connection to the human race ?? Really ?? If pointing out that our rights our inherited through birth and that there is no need for permission from man, then what's the issue ? Furthermore, if any entity, person, etc.. tried to physically kidnap, assault, or steal from you for simple exercising your god given rights, then why wouldn't you support righteous self defense. No matter if it was a mugger, a cop, or the feds ?

    As evidenced from my reply, I disagree with your comments. It's ok to be paralyzed with fear when confronted with truth, lashing out is a common reaction. Hopefully you will see that my words will bear fruit, just as long as I have a permit to bear that fruit concealed. (see what I did there, the whole bear arms, bearing fruit, biblical, a tree and its fruit.) This has been fun. Night

    1. First, I don't don't need you to point out my rights, I figured them out quite a while ago. I also figured out, without your help, who was responsible for the violations.

      To point out that it's illegal to infringe on anything the Constitution prohibits, seriously, like the people who read this blog aren't aware of that? I'd make you a list of the infractions against the Constitution that are perpetuated each and every day, but I don't have that much time and space.

      So no, I have no problem with logical observations, I have no problem with personal freedom or the right to defend yourself.

      What I do seem to have, is a lower and lower threshold for warmed over platitudes superficially offered over and over.

      Perhaps, ANON, you are a troll, who knows, obviously you don't read this blog often because if you did, you would know better than the comment you just offered up. Meh, if you're not a troll, maybe you're a zealous new Patriot. If so, good luck with that.

    2. MissV,

      ANON is more than likely an overzealous new Patriot. There's nothing wrong with that. I think we have all been there so I will not take offense.

  5. Easy Anon. Your point is well enough made, to sink home without pounding it mercilessly. Now let the stew cook a bit, will you...

    And of course you're correct - all *REAL* rights are dispensed to man by God; the DoI and Constitution's purpose (and that of every other just Law) is to recognise and affirm those rights -- they in no way claim to be genetive of said rights; the DoI and BoR purpose is simple and direct declaratory - they bear witness to the pre-existence of those rights (as established in Natural Law); anunciating them in clarion, as it states in the Preamble to the BoR itself, in Pp.1- "for the purpose of further restricting the new government; to extend public confidence in the new government; and thus to best ensure the government's beneficient action [towards the People]."

    But be not too proud, Anon., for your ability to complete the puzzle and see with clarity the scene which it portrays -- for that faculty is as much a gift from God (to you, personally) as our Rights are a gift from Him to us all in unity; and since you and I are demosntrably in agreement upon the foundation of Natural Law, I shall presume you also recognize that premise of Natural Law which asserts - "Each man is obliged to employ his every faculty unto his own benefit and protection; unto the benefit and protection of his kith and kin; and further unto the equity and truth of all things, to the greatest extent to which he is able. All are obliged to such; for a society which strives unto Justice and equity fosters good will, civility of conduct, and a general protection of those unable to defend themselves; by these blessings it extends the sense of brotherhood beyond the hearth.
    Such a society preserves the dignity of all it's members, and gives mankind new eyes - wide eyes which are capable of witnessing the fact that all men are created equal, as brothers, with both rights and duties which place them in equal bond one unto another, for their own good and for the good of all mankind, in each generation, until Christ shall return.

    1. Blessed are the peacemakers. You're a good man LT.

  6. Listen to yourselves. Overzealous "NEW" patriot. What a lofty and benevolent seat you all must have looking down upon supposedly overzealous, new, patriots.

    Initially I figured that a breath of truth and honesty would find a warm and welcome nest here in this forum. This seems to be a place for content, under-zealous patriots, who prefer the tactic of a slow and gradual slide into absolute tyranny.

    LT, your point is well taken.

    Tone Deaf, can you honestly tell your children that you are not a coward for not standing up to the government for taking whatever it pleases from you ?

    Miss V, why don't you direct your nasty little attitude to the individuals who are physically taking your liberty and property from you at gun point. I sure ain't your enemy, but if your attitude is to work within the system to affect change, then maybe you are my enemy ?

    1. You are a tiresome boy, but have a good life anyway.

  7. And your a nasty little girl, but may god bless you and your family.

    1. lol, okay a point for you because you made me laugh.

  8. Anon, may peace be yours; and certainly I would not disturb it unto you; nor shall I make any accusation, but against myself; and this I would say in my own defense - that I have been excitable in times past, and have taken offense where none was intended, and have thereby made my own life and discourse more difficult by so doing. But time and Grace have prevailed upon me, and experience has driven home the truth of facts: that among those who value liberty, most are of strong sentiment and even stronger will; and thus is it easy for small differences among us to become the source of great quarreling, if we allow it. To overcome this we require a remedy of the soul - that we approach each other with an air of detached respect - so as not to take one another too lightly, neither to burden each other with such gravity as to make of every comment a contest of blood.
    I cannot speak of your character, because we are not known to each other; but I would dare to assume that you and I have much in common about our nature, and if this be so then what life has taught me, migh also be of value to you. I offer it as such, without pejudice or presumption.

    As for those I do know personally, let me bear witness as follows - ToneDeaf has no lack of courage; and Mis V. has both wisdom and mirth in abundance; and I would be happy to have either of them at my back on an ugly day.

    Do with all this as you will - for as I said, I would not disturb your peace; and if such my comments would accomplish then ignore them, and I shall find no cause for reproach thereby.

    Let us keep both tooth and claw turned outward, to defend against the demons which swoop down out of the night to predate among us; for plainly they shall not grant us respite for quarrels amonst ourselves. Rather, such quarrels give them great moments of opportunity, in which they attack us all the more.

    Sometimes, courtesy is a matter of survival.

  9. That hits the nail rather squarely. Hear Hear !

    1. Then, by Grace have I done a good thing; and many thanks for having so confirmed my thoughts...

      "Can two walk together, unless they be agreed [upon the destination]?" - Amos 3:3

      We have all, a rocky road ahead of us. Let us not quarrel before the Face of Justice, as we each do our part in walking along the path to which we are appointed.

      And even if our destinations be different; let us not descend into strife while we attend each other; for so much of our lives are made up of the things we say and do along the way; and we shall not pass this way again.

      Let us commit to this journey, to go as one company, united together; to walk as brothers, granting each other good standing for as far as we shall remain together; and thus by our conduct reprove the mob of which we seek to be free, rather than carrying it along with us, in our hearts.

  10. From the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:
    Constitutional Carry Headed to Governor Otter on a 54-15 vote in the Idaho House.

    1. Very cool. That group does real, serious work on 2A. They should be a model for state 2A groups across the republic.

    2. Very nice. I add my prayers to those already petitioning for the passage and enactment of this Just and timely law...


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