Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, February 3, 2017

Pacing the Porch...

This is the current Drudge above-the-fold story.

Matt Drudge, again, will be remembered by future history books as a modern Founding Father.  If you do not agree - you are an idiot.

People from all over America and across the world are openly advocating for the assassination of President Trump.

I have made my position clear - he is doing not only what he promised his supporters he would do, but also what we, his supporters ASKED him to do.

As a result, he is being openly challenged in mortal terms by foreign enemies, domestic Marxists, and even the Deep State in America.

My promise to my fellow Patriots: If President Trump, anyone in his cabinet or his senior political advisors (Bannon, Conway, et al) are killed or even seriously targeted - I leave the porch.

When and if I leave the porch, I begin with traitors, and move outward from there, until I am dead.

Make no mistake: I know the answer to Antifa fcuks to whom broken PVC 'flag poles' and pepper-spray are 'weapons'.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Fatuis digni sunt morte; et proditores multuem quidem magis!
    Sunt bunoum. Sunt mortum. Sunt ipsa loquitur res.

    Loquitor Ipsum Veritas!

    Quod ad me attinet, malim veram deico proelio; super acceptio mendacium. Eius autem, legatum et in perhonorificus et partium studiosus, ac defensor bonarum.




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