Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bill Nye: Look what the Black Panthers have been teaching...

Have you been visiting Bill's site?

He's found a training tape from the Black Panthers. Yes, they train to kill you because you have White skin.

Here's the link.



  1. That's not what it says. It says that they're training in self-defense. Defense against Whitey? Maybe. Just like you might have to defend yourself against a black aggressor. We get enough reporting on our movement like that. You'd think we wouldn't be so hypocritical.

  2. Nick: I never claimed those words were on the tape.

    I said they train to kill White people because of their skin. Skinheads train to kill black people because of their color, too.

    I have broken bread with several BP's and even more NoI - how about you?

    Remain naive until the end, that'll help.


  3. Like I always say, "Stupidity is a self curing problem".
    We'll find out soon how close naive and stupid really are.
    Semper Fi, 0321


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