Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, June 2, 2012

What are you missing?

If you don't drop by Kenny's place daily, you miss some great stuff, folks.

Here's just one tidbit, left by one of the folks who commented at his site:

That post somehow reminded me of a guy who went a bought a parrot. The store clerk warned him that the parrot belonged to a sailor and had a crude vocabulary.

The guy was convinced he could retrain the parrot.

First day home he asked the parrot ... "Does Polly want a cracker?" The parrot replied "Shut the fuck up and just give me the cracker".

The man promptly stuffed the parrot into his freezer to cool him out and teach it a lesson.

A few minutes later he opened the freezer and the parrot hopped right out and began spewing .... "Sir, I wish to apologize for anything I said that may have offended you and I will, in future behave better .... and ... if you don't mind telling me ... what did the turkey do?"


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