Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Texas PatCom: D-Day Approaches

Bill, Craig & Company are getting together in Texas for another PatCom.

It's a few days away, but I am not sure you can even get invited at this point.  If you are anywhere within driving distance, you should try to earn an invitation.

I'm done begging people to show up and participate and pick up the rope and help to pull.

Either you do it, or you don't.  Either you get it, or you don't.

And when SHTF, if you chose to go bear hunting instead of hooking up with Patriots in your area (or any of the thousands of other excuses I hear), just keep walking past my door when you are cold, wet, hungry and being chased by PoPo.

Darwin is working hard right now, and if you aren't - guess who he's working on...

Good luck in Texas, Patriots.


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