Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, May 31, 2014


If I spent a bit more time with Sparks I could probably learn to find whatever frequencies the Feds are using in my place - but until my techie skills get that good, I just found this: DropCam.com.

I'm sure you techie guys know of better systems, cheaper, I'd love to hear about them.  I'm into wifi audio/video that I can capture with phone/tablet/PC.  I'd love a good outdoor rig that I could power off a small solar array.  Alan Mullenax gave me a good site with good gear.

If you guys have options, throw them in the ring.  I especially like the feature that activates and sends me a heads-up when the camera senses motion.  Sweet.

Another issue for you techies:  My future involves much working while not at a convenient PC.  Even the Samsung Mega is too small for me to do any serious blog updates, etc.  Question: Is there an app or solution that would allow me to buy a Tablet and then get phone service through it?

Anyhoo - get wired-up, folks.  Extend your perimeter.  Someone explain to me the reason one could not put a wifi cam with self-sufficient power-source in a place to watch your local - uhm - library?  ;)



  1. Go pro hero 3 black. App for icrap video gives good view of what your cam is seeing. Blue tooth sandisk usb drive for separate sync could be done w fellow lll nearby holding the sandisk. Cam is also shock and waterproof and dead simple to operate

  2. Get an Android powered tablet. There are add on cards available from your favorite cell carrier that add phone capabilities. Like this: http://www.amazon.com/Tagital®-Android-Pre-installed-Enhanced-Version/dp/B00I3D0HIG/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1401576996&sr=8-8&keywords=android+tablets


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