Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, December 13, 2014

III Percent Grid Down Comms

We've seen interruptions in recent days and weeks that are pretty persuasive that the net and cells will be turned off when SHTF - by one player or another.

When that happens the only way to reach me, short of coming to my nest, will be by radio, using CW/Morse, and in many cases utilizing OTPs (One Time Pads).  This is likely the same option you will have, wherever your AO may be.

Aware that radio Comms are not secure, and simply keying the mic will put you on the radar, all you can do is lengthen the time it takes OpFor to break your codes.  Your Comms security needs to remain unbreakable at least until the operational value of the communique is nil.

If you need Comms training, you know who I recommend.  Sparks31.

Order his book, get your tickets, learn Morse, read his blog, and enroll in his classes.

It's all here.


1 comment:

  1. AAR
    RTL-SDR Class 12/13/14 hosted by Sparks31 in Ct

    The class had a good attendance; I saw several faces from the Grid Down Class earlier this year and met a few new Patriots;
    the class content was exactly what I needed to put some technical pieces of software together; if for no other use than possible a heads-up in the time of need, the info presented in this class was well worth the travel time; Sparks31 did his typical excellent presentation and personally assisted each individual when and how he was needed to have everyone operational.

    Comms are vital - gitsum. The last east coast class is to be held in the Mercer, Pa area soon. Check his site for details. He will be relocating to the American Redoubt very shortly.

    My prays for continued success for him and his recently expanded family.


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